We hope everyone is staying warm and safe in this crazy winter weather that has blanketed Southern Kentucky and Middle Tennessee. We understand everyone likes taking pictures in winter weather. It provides some naturally beautiful backdrops. However, there are a few important steps you should take to protect yourself and your pictures during winter weather.
Dress appropriately for the weather. Even a few short minutes in extreme cold can harm your health. Now is the time to rock the winter gear in your pictures.
Keep the time outside short. Taking several pictures throughout the day allows you to see the different reactions between the light and the weather. It also keeps you warm and safe.
Keep extra batteries or a portable charger on hand. Cold weather drains batteries very quickly. Make sure you keep enough backup power on hand for all of your pictures.
Protect your lenses. Keep the lenses protected from condensation so that it does not seep into other parts of the camera or your phone. The best way to do so is to use a Ziploc bag. Place it over the lens so you can see clearly. It will not distort the picture, but it will keep the sensitive parts of your camera protected.
Please stay safe and if you have any ideas or additions to our winter photography list, feel free to contact us and we'll gladly add them to the list and give you credit for them. Til next week.
The Staff of Memorable Impressions